Tuesday, November 14, 2017

The work-place is bad for the heallth

Workplace stress can impact appetite, metabolism and sleep patterns which can all increase diabetes risk along with other factors. Being the victim of bullying or violence in the workplace could mean your risk of developing type 2 diabetes is up to 46 per cent higher, a study has said. New research says bullying is a “severe social stressor”, and this has an impact on metabolism, appetite and weight in various ways that make diabetes more likely. Bullying included a range of “unkind or negative behaviour from colleagues”, unfair criticism, humiliating work tasks and also feelings of isolation.

Understanding the wider health impacts of workplace stress is particularly important as a report earlier this year showed a third of UK workers are experiencing anxiety, depression or stress.

“Being bullied is regarded as a severe social stressor that may activate the stress response and lead to a range of downstream biological processes that may contribute towards the risk of diabetes”, the paper said.

Previous studies have shown bullying leads to measurable increases in stress hormones which affect things like heart rate and metabolic function; there are also pathways which impact appetite regulation.

The authors concluded: “There is a moderate and robust association between workplace bullying, violence and the development of type 2 diabetes.”

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